Electrifying China


Electrifying China

At the end of 2015 the Dutch Media Fund gave us, five music enthusiasts, the possibility to produce an (interactive) documentary about the emerging electronic music scene in China. In the course of four weeks we’ve travelled from Beijing to Shanghai to Chengdu to Chongqing and we’ve spoken to most of the key figures in the wonderfully interesting music scene that the country has to offer.

The trip was, of course, very inspiring. It was a big eye-opener for me in terms of globalisation and culture. China often seems like the total opposite of our Western society but the research beforehand and the production itself taught us that there’s a whole range of common denominators. That being said, there are of course also a lot of differences. I think I, as a westerner, can learn a lot from the patient and balance-focused philosophy of the Chinese. The documentary will be released in an interesting timeframe, one where the global economy is shifting towards a different configuration. This makes it important for citizens to open themselves up to different cultures. This is the end-goal of our product.

Besides that, we wanted to show that the Chinese dance scene is very interesting and has been so for quite a while. Al be it smaller than the alternative music scenes we are used to here in Europe. Chinese people tend to be a bit shy (untill you get to know them) and we think that we have made a good connection between the West and China in terms of their electronic music communities.

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